No Way

At this stage in your life what seems impossible for you?  Is it a cash crunch?  A health hiccup?  Maybe a wrinkled relationship that can’t be ironed out?

History is laced with impossibilities that became possibles.  There was the teenaged shepherd boy who faced down an iron-clad giant and rocked him permanently.  An early-80’s man survived a night after being tossed into a pit with hungry lions.

And there was a 30-something carpenter who was flogged and nailed to a cross. Even His friends feared it was the end of His story.  But no way!

What appeared to be impossible then makes it possible now for all of us to have a clean slate before God, completely and forever forgiven of our sins. This great news is about Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who said, “What’s impossible for men is possible with God.”

To which of your impossibilities can you apply this?

“I can face anything with Christ who is my Strength.”  Philippians 4:13