For Better Or Diverse?

This could be what remains of the aborted Tower of Babel.
Seems like evil is pulling out every stop these days, hellbent to pit us against each other, doesn’t it?
On Day 6 of Creation GOD said, “Let the Earth produce every sort of animal, producing offspring of the same kind.” Noting the vast array of critters HE had made, “GOD saw it was good.”
HE baked both diversity and unity into HIS universe. Indeed, we are “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
Our first parents spoke only one language, saying, “Let’s build a tower to heaven to make a name for ourselves.” GOD knew a “one world language” would be a disaster.
So HE introduced more tongues than a southern prayer meeting, forcing folks to spread out and search for souls they could understand.
GOD’s diversity doesn’t force others to condone or celebrate flavors not on HIS menu. Sadly, loyalty to your personal beliefs could get you tortured, jailed or worse.
JESUS told HIS FATHER :“I pray that all who believe in ME will be one, just as YOU and I are one.” (John 17:20-21)
Paul disclosed that GOD’s plan was not to divide us by race, color, gender, ancestry. Au contraire, JESUS picked up the tab for all sin …. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and Father of all ….” HE united Jews and Gentiles by dying on the cross. (Ephesians4:5-6)
Take it away, Paul: “I’m asking you, my friends, to be in perfect unity with one heart, one passion, united in love.” (Philippians 2:2)
What can you do today to unite a world so divided?