What's The Big Deal?

At His Deal we come alongside you to listen, care and encourage. Here how this works.
Our BLOG posts aren’t timid as they head-butt issues that invade your space, readable in 2 minutes.
We interview intriguing GUESTS whose Jesus-centered lives are inspiring.
Our BIBLE STUDY NOTES cover all 66 books of God’s love letter to men toiling in the marketplace. They read like your favorite magazine, not like King James English with its opaque thee’s and thou’s.
Our NASA-powered TOOLS escort you, as His Deal’s executive mentor, Bobb Biehl, puts it, to “an island of clarity in a sea of uncertainty.”
Our winsome and accessible SPECIALISTS, stars in their fields, offer you Bible-based, practical wisdom.
Our S.W.A.T. team of passionate Jesus-lovers is accessible 24/7 to take your needs to our loving God who cares deeply about what touches you.
That’s His Deal … where you can always take cuts to the head of the queue.

Hoping to hear from you,

If you have any questions about how to take full advantage of HisDeal.org, Walter is your guide. If you’re interested in a get-acquainted chat, check in with George. If you have something or someone who needs prayer, please fill out the form on this page and know that His Deal’s *S.W.A.T. team thrives on taking your requests to our Father in heaven.

George Toles

(206) 947-0159

Walter Powers

(206) 441-3834
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What is the street saying about His Deal?

"Thank you for the peace today's His Deal brought! Man...I needed that! So sorry for being AWOL these past weeks/months/year. "

“It was truly inspiring to see so many men gather and be committed to growth. Thanks for leading that charge.”

"Thank you for the Recommended Reading at His Deal website. This one is GOLD!!!!”

"You and your group inspired me to give my life to Jesus. Take care and I will keep in touch."

"Reflecting Wednesday while on the (Zoom) call of how happy our Lord is that this is going on”

"It was great to meet you all. It's a very special thing you have going on. I would like for you guys to keep me in the loop.”

"I really appreciate getting His Deal on YouTube. I have Rotary on Wednesdays, so I could not be on your ZOOM call. However, I watched your interview with John Trent this morning. It was terrific! After hearing John speak, I downloaded his book, The Blessing. I’m halfway through it, and I can tell you, it has touched me like few other books I have read. When I finish, I plan to buy several copies for friends, pastors and coaches at the University of New Mexico. This will impact the lives of so many others. I’m so grateful!"

“I wanted to let you know today is my dad’s birthday, so I was hoping you might wish him well. His Deal has been a lifeline for dad. Thank you so much for reaching out to him!!!"

“(I) watched and (was) so moved by the Pat O'Day podcast. What great fun hearing the jingles again and hearing from the DJ’s. Pat’s testimony brought me to tears of joy. God is so good ... I’m going to show the podcast to two old pals who need to hear the transformative words from Pat and the KJR gang…. will definitely listen in to future His Deals.”

“It was inspiring to listen to so many brothers in Christ and hear their stories and view points. Thank you for setting this up on Zoom.”

"I am excited to share how the Lord has walked with me, even when I was oblivious to his footsteps…"

"Thanks for your excellent non-traditional, Christian Bible study with great guests.”

"Thanks for a great meeting. Jeff was outstanding! Look forward to more His Deal meetings.”

"I received the books and video by Gen. Abel and the book by Bobb Biehl last week. Thank you. I enjoy very much being with you men and the group of mature men on Zoom. I appreciate being included. Praying for our city, state and country as for peace."

“What a terrific resource this is for men who are looking to learn about Jesus Christ and what He taught!”

"I am excited to be able to join next week!! Grateful to you all and to God for the technology to be able to stay engaged by viewing your recorded content.”

"I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all your work and commitment to the kingdom of God! Just know that one day you also will be in the presence of the Lord, and you will be greatly missed here on Earth. 2023 will be a great challenge, but also we will have many great victories!”

"Thank you for this great honor and your support! Means the world to me, and God has made my life fuller because of you guys and the His Deal family!!”

"The fruit of His Deal is growing on so many trees. I am just glad to be one of those trees! Just humbled that I get to be a part of this incredible MOVE OF GOD!”

"What a meeting. Inspired.”

"Wow! What a great meeting! Inspiring! Thank you all!"

“I felt safe to share something personal with this group and was touched by the remarks and the prayer. What a great group of men!“

"Today gave me great hope and joy for what God has brought together and will continue to grow in Russia and surrounding countries. The Holy Spirit is working through these men and their families. We also recognize how far this country has fallen and pray for an awakening. Looking forward to our discussion about Romans chapter 5."

"I was touched and inspired by Jeff Kemp. I was just going to ask about the origins of His Deal, and then I saw the 'His Deal Story' on the About page. So will check that out. … Really glad I found His Deal.”

“I am truly grateful for the impact you continue to have in my life and the lives of so many other men!”

“His Deal will always be one of my treasured memories.”

"Great study. Thanks for the work you put into these lessons. You are meeting a need with all these men. Think I'll invite others from time to time to plug in.”

"Thank you all for who you are and what you mean to those who know you! Grateful to God for allowing me to be apart of this amazing group. Onward and Upward with Godspeed!!!"

"Always a treat to see your name in my inbox! I love getting your updates and messages. Thank you."

"MANY THANKS for including me in your Bible study! I learned and shared with others some of the gems I received.”

"Doug Burleigh was a great way to end the year! Amazing!"

“I was so moved by being with you guys that I can hardly wait for the next. I will be there, you can count on it!”

“Been going through a rough patch with work, full of trials and blessings, so I appreciate the reminder that God is good all the time!”

"I wish I could tell you that I've given my life to Jesus, but it is still difficult for me to accept anything on faith alone. I hope, like many others at His Deal over the years, I will see the Light before it is too late. Please pray that I do."