A Sign of The Times

Some are not thrilled when told that Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life, and that to get to God the Father, you must go via Jesus, God’s Son.  (John 14:6)

My friend, if the path you’re on doesn’t guarantee God’s forgiveness of your sins, “There’s a way that seems right, but in the end it leads to death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

If your belief system is not based on Jesus’ teachings, you’re chained to a pack of lies. But there’s Good News! “Whoever the Son sets free is really free.” (John 8:36)

The God who designed you in your mama’s womb and let His Son be nailed to a cross in your place, this God wants you to be “born again” with spiritual eyes to see Life as God sees it. (John 3:3)

Trusting Jesus with your life is the only way to be related to God. He promised to never leave you out in the cold (or in “the lake of fire” for that matter).

My friend, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Stop trying to find other ways. Welcome Him into your life now. He’s expecting your call on Line 1. 

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)


While you review what you’ve heard from Father, move into your reflective zone while Selah sings the late Andrae Crouch’s response to almost any question.

“Jesus Is The Answer” by Selah