Keep Your Distance

“Let’s stay in touch” is often said at the outset of a new friendship or the rekindling of an old one. Pandemics come with strict, no-touch guidelines for those who are socially active. We can be only so close to another person, with only so many present in one place.
Introverts equate being quarantined to a paid vacation. For them the forced separation of being housebound is like winning the Publishers Clearinghouse whereas the extrovert would happily trade his Costco card to be in a flash mob.
How are you coping with this pan-demonium? What about giving this a try?
“Don’t worry about anything;
Pray about everything;
Thank God for everything,
Then God's peace will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.
I have learned to be content in any circumstance.”
Peace and contentment. What more could you desire? Shall we let the learning begin?