Our Father
How close are/were you to your father? How does he shape your self-image and choices? Did he gravitate to or away from you? Was he a tyrant, a benevolent dictator or your cheerleader?
Madonna hopes her “Papa Don’t Preach.” Eric Clapton never saw “My Father’s Eyes.” The Boss recalls “My Father’s Home.” John Mayer urges dads to “be good to your ‘Daughters.’” Luther Vandross aches to “Dance with my Father” again. Beyonce adores “Daddy,” “the man in my life who can’t be replaced.” He was rarely around and never said he loved her, but Reba McEntyre honors “The Greatest Man I Ever Knew.” Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s In The Cradle” describes my own Dad’s good intentions to “get together then.”
The “prodigal son” depicts God’s ideal father as generous, patient and unconditionally loving. Indeed, God loves us so much that He sent His only Son from heaven to die for your sins and mine so that we could live with God both here and in heaven.
Have you invited God the Father to permanently adopt you as His son?