Resolution Revolution

Time to come up with more sure-to-fail “New Year’s resolutions.” We’ll start with that !@#$%^& diet. You know, those extra pounds that found your plate between Thanksgiving through, well, five minutes ago.
DIY post-its totally blanket the fridge. Where’s that coupon from the fatness center?
And the pivotal resolution subject…. our life with God. He’s not expecting us to part the Red Sea. He’s already wiped clean our slate of sins, a gift that’s all yours when you accept His forgiveness.
Your standing with God is secure. In John 17:23 Jesus states this mind blower: His Father loves every believer as much as He loves Jesus! That’s a whole lotta love!
Jesus’ half brother, Jude, drops this grace bomb on us: “Glory to God who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into His glorious presence, without a single fault!”
What steps could you take in 2024 to have just a closer walk with Jesus? My single word focus for 2024 is “closer.” What’s yours, my friend?