Risk, Regret or Rejoice?
What do you want your loved ones to know before they breathe their last? The consequences are enormous.
Have all in your family heard that God gave our first parents freedom to choose good or evil? Tragically, their sinful choice separated all of us from our Maker. But God’s great love provided a way for us to be right with Him.
Sin’s penalty will be paid by the sinner or by a Savior. Jesus, our Stand-in, died on the cross to destroy sin’s power over us. Your loved ones must admit they can’t save themselves. They must trust Jesus’ sacrifice to completely remove their sin debt forever.
If they ignore or reject Jesus’ forgiveness – and it’s their choice – they’ll suffer hell’s unending torment. But if they say “yes” to the Savior, you’ll rejoice with them forever! Are you willing to risk and regret not speaking up?
Heaven is real. Hell is real. Eternity is a long time.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, I John 5:11-13
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