So It Seems

Are roller coasters your friend? Well, hang on.

The attendant shoehorns you into the front row as you gloat like the beer TV spot when goofy Bob Uecker is yanked from his box and taken to the bleachers, thinking he’ll get the best seat in the house.

The safety bar crushes your sternum…your steel snake begins creeping…a vertical rise beckons you to ascend at snail speed, like the pace of your pause at the summit. So far, so good. Gulping, you lurch forward and WHOOSH! You’re ground-bound...your stomach waves at your tonsils en route to your epiglottis’s your brain’s homecoming as your synapses collide on your hippocampus. You’re screaming, “God, let me die before we hit bottom!” Then, just like that, your genomes return to their locked and upright position...and it's over... life.

This isn’t even the fastest roller coaster. It’s called Ferrari World… in Abu Dhabi. Goes 150 mph.

You think THAT’S moving? Our planet spins at 1,000 mph! Earth is circling the sun at 67,000 mph. You’re actually fast-tracking, but to what end?  

Jesus’ quirky apostle, Peter, cautioned, “In the last days scoffers will say, ‘What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again?’ But you must not forget, dear friends, a day is like 1,000 years to the Lord, and 1,000 years is like a day. The Lord isn’t slow about His promise, as some think. He’s patient for your sake. He doesn’t want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.”   (2 Peter 3)

Your car’s mirrors alert you, “Warning: objects may be larger than they appear.” If in your life you’re trusting your instruments, make sure they’re synced with God’s.

David Phelps - He's Alive!
He's Alive! by David Phelps