What's New With You?
Raise your hand if you’d like to have a fresh start now and then. You know, turn over a new leaf, begin with a clean slate, be given a Mulligan.
A new year presents such an opportunity, doesn’t it? We’re not talking about that disappointing game of self-delusion called “Resolutions.” Been there, wore out the tee shirt. Instead, how good would it feel to announce to yourself, with conviction and faith, “It’s a whole new ballgame!”
If you could eliminate three things (memories, habits, relationships, whatever) from your world right now, what would they be? If you could add three things to your life, what are they?
We’re told in the Bible that one day, perhaps soon, God’s Son, Jesus Christ, will reign as King of all kings over a brand new earth, saying, “Look, I make everything new!”
How would you feel if you could face the mirror and say, with conviction and faith, “HAPPY NEW YOU!”